Top 5 Lifestyle Photography Services

Top 5 Lifestyle Photography Services Overview

Why settle for mundane and static images when you can capture the essence of the product and bring it to life in a captivating way with product lifestyle photography? Elevate your brand image and create an emotional connection with the customers using product lifestyle photography.

Product lifestyle images can enhance your customer’s shopping journey by providing a comprehensive product view when executed effectively. 

It can revolutionize how you showcase your products to customers to captivate, inspire and leave a long-lasting impression on them. 

This blog will discuss product lifestyle photography, its importance, and its benefits, emphasizing the importance of seeking assistance from a professional product lifestyle photography service provider.

Product lifestyle photography is a form of commercial photography that showcases a product in a realistic setting, capturing its integration into everyday life. Its primary objective is to convey the product’s role in a person’s lifestyle and enable customers to envision themselves using it. 

The essence of product lifestyle photography lies in creating a visual narrative that establishes a connection with the target audience, moving beyond simple white background images. By telling a story and evoking emotions, this style of photography aims to inspire desire and provide a more engaging and relatable representation of the product, ultimately influencing users’ purchasing decisions.

Take, for example, a picture of a necklace. Capturing it under optimal studio lighting alone may not effectively communicate its purpose. However, with product lifestyle photography, you can capture an image of a woman wearing the necklace at a party. This depiction communicates how the product complements the wearer’s appearance, showcasing its fit and comfort. Such an approach significantly impacts the decision-making process for potential buyers.

Product lifestyle photography is commonly used in eCommerce, product catalogs, and social media platforms, ad campaigns, in-store visuals – where visual content is the medium to communicate the product’s value to the target audience. Product lifestyle photography enriches the product appeal, displays the features and functionalities, and presents the product so that it impacts the customer’s perception and purchasing behavior.

Importance Of Product Lifestyle Photography

A product lifestyle image mimics real-life scenarios to provide the context for the product to the target audience. It is one of the most successful ways businesses generate emotion among their customers and triggers a response by displaying products in a relatable setting. Reasons that make product lifestyle photography important for businesses are listed below.

  • Enhanced Conversion and Reduced Return Rate: Product lifestyle photography is crucial in helping a business deploy a successful marketing campaign on an eCommerce platform since 75% of online shoppers check for product pictures first. This means product lifestyle photography impacts conversion rate. Furthermore, product photography can impact the return rate as product returns happen 22% of the time because the product looks different than in pictures.
  • Experiential Journey: With product lifestyle photography, businesses can take customers on a journey where they can communicate the brand message, what the brand means to the customers, and how the product can add value to their lives. Product lifestyle photography goes beyond product image by appealing to the audience to inspire them to aspire to a certain lifestyle.
  • Emotional Connect: A product lifestyle photograph can affect emotions, turning a visitor from a potential customer to a loyal customer. According to an experiential commerce agency study, 8 different emotional mindsets can impact customers’ ability to buy and shop. They are — need validation, decision anxiety, I’m special, got to be their first, know it all, buy and be done with it, want some fun, and avoid remorse. This means that every decision consumers make is as much driven by emotion as logic.
  • Brand Personality: Every brand needs a personality, and photographs or photographic settings can help a brand create a personality. A study by the University of South Carolina found that consumers humanize the brands by perceiving them as a part of or being in a relationship with them. Since they evoke emotions, a product lifestyle photograph can help a brand establish or reinforce its personality.
  • Social Media Connect: Certain factors drive customers towards social media, such as telling a story, implying a backstory about the product, and giving personality to a brand. Product lifestyle can be used extensively on social media platforms to draw the interest of the people and boost the conversion rate. 

Top Product Lifestyle Photography Services

Now that you know the benefits of hiring a professional product lifestyle photography service provider, we will list the top 5 product lifestyle photography service providers who can help you create lifestyle photographs for your business.

1. House Of Blue Beans

House of Blue Beans takes pride in offering premium-quality product lifestyle images that go beyond being visually appealing to being informative with their immaculate storytelling. We have been offering best-in-class product lifestyle photography services for industry leaders and Fortune 50 companies across different sectors like Lowe’s, Costa Coffee, Temple & Webster, Target Retail, Honeywell, Henkel, and more for over a decade.

Trusted By Industry Leaders

Top 5 Lifestyle Photography Services Overview

With House of Blue Beans; you can rest assured that your brand will be able to create a distinctive personality among the target audience, who will find the visual content appealing and informative. We offer the following range of services:

Images: Get high-quality photorealistic product lifestyle photographs with House of Blue Beans. Whether you are looking for a white background image, a lifestyle image, or 360-degree product photography, our team of experts has got you covered.

Top 5 Lifestyle Photography Services Overview
  • Product Lifestyle Image: Make your product shine with our compelling and informative product lifestyle images that reflect your brand personality and help develop and strengthen a deeper connection with the target audience.
Top 5 Lifestyle Photography Services Overview
Top 5 Lifestyle Photography Services Overview

3D Lifestyle Templates or Virtual Photoshoot Locations: Give your brand a complete overhaul without compelling and engaging lifestyle images. With us by your side, you can rest assured that you will attract the right audience for your products, whether you are selling your product on an eCommerce platform or trying to gain customer attention through other online platforms.  
House of Blue Beans offers lifestyle templates powered by CGI that you can use to generate a wide range of visual content, which will save you time and money. Gain access to a huge library of pre-made and customized templates which can help you generate images in a relatively shorter time than traditional photography. You can use these lifestyle images across various marketing channels like social media, eCommerce sites, and more. 

  • Pre-made Template: Speed up prototyping and interactive design process cost-effectively with House of Blue Beans. Create a wide range of visual content — from infographics to product demos more quickly and easily with our wide range of CGI-powered pre-made templates. Since there is a wide range of pre-designed templates and assets, it fastens the process of lifestyle image creation. If you are looking for an affordable way to quickly generate lifestyle images, you should opt for our pre-made templates.
  •  Customized Template: Move over cookie-cutter design and make your brand shine by adding your element of brand style and personality to the templates with our customized templates, which you can modify as per your needs and preferences. Tailored to your vision, customized templates allow you to experiment with the design and align it with your brand guidelines. 
    Personalize your content to your target audience by creating scenes that are localized and focused on the demographics and income groups of your audience. Moreover, these scenes can be created in a fashion that can implement brand standardization over time.
    You have the freedom to customize different template elements like color, lighting, placement of objects, the stylizing of the props, and more. Our templates are flexible and reusable. If you are looking for a virtual photoshoot location that gives you control over the quality and creativity ensuring brand consistency, then you should opt for customized templates.
Top 5 Lifestyle Photography Services Overview
  • White Background Image: Keep your product in focus with distraction-free white background images. With House of Blue Beans, you can rest assured that your product will be showcased against a clear and versatile background like never before.
Top 5 Lifestyle Photography Services Overview
  • 360 Spin: Provide your customers with a detailed product view through our 360 spin methodologies. Make sure that the customer can explore every angle and perspective of the product with House of Blue Bens.
Top 5 Lifestyle Photography Services Overview

3D Modeling: Offer diverse and immersive visual experiences to your customers with photoreal 3D models that will serve as a foundation for premium-quality visual content. Trust HOBB to create top-notch and versatile 3D models that can be reused for different applications.

Videos: Make sure that the product looks stunning to the customers and that the storyline attracts the audience towards your product with visual content services offered by House of Blue Beans. Our 3D- template driven video service aims at igniting emotions, driving action and leaving a long lasting impact with natural-looking and realistic environments, characters, and objects.

  • Inspirational Videos: Encourage your customers to purchase by creating inspirational videos using our vast library of meticulously crafted 3D templates. You can choose our pre-made templates to create videos about your motivational journey or convey the brand message by customizing the different aspects of the template like text or image.

Social Media Visual Content: Make your product shine with detailed and realistic visual content designed for social media. Create your brand personality and reinforce it with premium-quality social media visual content.

AR/VR Experiences: Offer your customers an interactive and immersive AR/VR experience with our 360 shoppable room and visualizer app. The 360 shoppable room allows customers to visit the shop as if in the physical store virtually. The visualizer app helps strengthen customers’ ability to make the right decision by offering products in different situations.

Top 5 Lifestyle Photography Services Overview

Architectural Rendering: Bring your architectural vision to life with our 3D interior and exterior rendering services. Our 3D visualization experts will help you explore different designs before finding the one that best suits your needs and preferences.

Why Choose House Of Blue Beans As Your Lifestyle Photography Partner?

We understand the importance of leaving a strong impression on your target audience through compelling and visually striking images. Hence we secure the service of knowledgeable and experienced professionals to create images that showcase the essence and personality of your brand.

We utilize CGI to create hyper-realistic images to make your brand stand out and connect deeply with the target audience. Since all our work uses CGI, you don’t have to worry about shipping the physical products. All we need are a few reference images, and we can get the ball rolling. 

Wondering what makes us different? 

House of Blue Beans guarantees:

  • Cost-Effective: With us, you get best-in-class product lifestyle photographs at 1/4th the cost of conventional methodology. Furthermore, the overall cost significantly comes down since there is no cost associated with shipping the physical products, creating a setup, or renting a place for the shoot.
  • Top-notch Quality: We deploy product lifestyle photography experts and utilize state-of-the-art tools and technology to create realistic, premium-quality, and informative product lifestyle photographs that will help differentiate your brand and resonate with your target audience.
  • Quicker Turnaround Time: Unlike the conventional method of photography, which takes up to 3 months to deliver visual content, House of Blue Beans only takes 10-12 days. Furthermore, the go-to-market time is even more decreased since we use proprietary software that encourages collaboration and asset management, enriching communication and quicker processing.
  • Customer-Centric: While creating product lifestyle photographs, HOBB keeps customers at the center, as this help being an empath and offers solutions that can benefit them. We are a team of flexible professionals that are up and ready to accommodate varying changes of the customers, as and when needed.
  • Detail-Oriented: HOBB believes one of the most influential aspects of delivering quality visual content is by being attentive to the details. We make sure that every product lifestyle image we generate is intricate with details that can educate the target audience about the feature and functionality of the product.
  • Enable Pre-Order Business: HOBB’s CGI solution allows you to launch products within 5-7 days without committing to any inventory since we don’t need the physical product.

Don’t believe what we say? Take a look at what our clients have to say about our services.

Testimonial Scott
Mattew Van Swol Testimonial

2. Splento

Top 5 Lifestyle Photography Services Overview

A London-based photography company, Splento helps businesses worldwide with high-quality product lifestyle photography. In addition to providing flexible pricing plans based on specific requirements, they work closely with each client to ensure they understand their brand’s vision. Aside from product photography, Splento provides corporate headshots, event photography, and interior & exterior photography services. Whether you’re looking for sleek, modern images or classic, timeless photos your business needs, Splento promises exceptional results each time.

3. Image Alive Studio

Top 5 Lifestyle Photography Services Overview

Image Alive Studios is leading the industry with stunning imagery for e-commerce brands, magazines, and advertising campaigns. What sets them apart from their competitors is their ability to bring life to products with their creativity. They have an awe-inspiring portfolio that showcases high-quality images that are well-composed, perfectly lit, and evoke emotion, thus making Image Alive Studios stand out from other studios.

4. Packshot Factory

Top 5 Lifestyle Photography Services Overview

Founded in 2011, Packshot Factory offers high-quality and visually appealing product photography to businesses of all sizes in the UK. Over the past 15 years, Packshot Factory has worked with many clients, including fashion, cosmetics, food and beverage, electronics, and more. Businesses eager to launch new products or campaigns can receive high-quality images within a few days of shooting them. With a commitment to quality service and cutting-edge technology, Packshot Factory is among the country’s leading product lifestyle photography companies.

5. Studio 3 Inc.

Top 5 Lifestyle Photography Services Overview

As a full-service photography and video production company, Studio 3 Inc. creates stunning product lifestyle imagery for businesses of all sizes. Studio 3 Inc. has produced high-quality content that brings brands to life by making innovative content for over two decades. Whether you’re looking for traditional or modern styles, Studio 3 Inc.’s portfolio showcases an impressive range of projects they’ve worked on, including commercial advertising campaigns, editorial magazine features, eCommerce websites, and more. For product lifestyle photography that brings your brand’s vision to life in unique and creative ways, look no further than Studio 3 Inc.

Product lifestyle photographs can strengthen the brand’s ability to captivate the attention of the target audience and elevate the brand’s presence. House of Blue Beans works by crafting visuals that bring the product to life by showcasing the product in real-life scenarios to ensure it resonates with the customer on a profound level. Our product lifestyle photography service will help foster lasting connections with the customers and boost conversion rates.

So, what are you waiting for?

Strengthen your brand’s presence with product lifestyle photography today!